ASEAN: Decision on humanitarian assistance on Myanmar must include all related parties to avoid aid weaponization by the junta
ASEAN: Decision on humanitarian assistance on Myanmar must include all related parties to avoid aid weaponization by the junta

ASEAN: Decision on humanitarian assistance on Myanmar must include all related parties to avoid aid weaponization by the junta

May 11th, 2022

We, the 765 undersigned Myanmar, regional and international organizations, are gravely concerned by the outcome of the Consultative Meeting on ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar that puts the military junta in control of humanitarian aid distribution in Myanmar. Our organizations believe that this decision will enable the military junta to weaponize humanitarian aid to gain legitimacy and commit more human rights atrocities against the people of the country.

We urge ASEAN to redirect course in the informal meeting of ASEAN Foreign Ministers that is being held ahead of the ASEAN – US Special Summit and meet with the National Unity Government (NUG), Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAOs), and local civil society organisations to develop cross-border humanitarian assistance delivered by trusted local humanitarian and community based organisation.

Read the full statement in pdf (English).
Read the full statement in pdf (Burmese).