Students for Free Burma (SFB) is a collective of Burmese activists, scholars, and students based in the U.S. and supporters working to advocate for democracy, freedom, and human rights in Burma.
Our activism takes on a more policy-centric approach. We work to inform U.S. policy makers and the public on grave human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and other atrocities committed by the Burmese military, and to rally their support for democratic struggle in Burma. We also advocate and advise U.S policy makers on specific legislations and key policies relating to Burma.

Students for Free Burma (SFB) logo symbolizes a peafowl, unchained from a snare. It is based on the flag of All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU), drawn by U Ba Gyan.
The peafowl breaking free from the snare represents Burma’s struggle for democracy and freedom.
The color yellow symbolizes hope and teal indicates support for Burma.
Logo designed by Oliva Chen.